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Walls Are Meant For Climbing
What have you done this week that has pushed you outside of your comfort zone?
For me it was running/walking 5 miles on the treadmill. It’s not my thing. I prefer to run outside. I love the fresh air in my lungs. It just feels better to me than being stationary on a treadmill.
I’m not going to lie, the first two miles really sucked. The third mile I thought about quitting. Then suddenly I was on the fourth mile. This is where I really clenched my teeth, cranked up the speed, and pushed through.
After over an hour on the treadmill I hobbled to the corner of the gym to stretch. Euphoria set in for me. I continue to be amazed by the mental clarity these little challenges give me. Whatever has been bothering me that day always seems to be more manageable or completely irrelevant. I have learned to revel in discomfort.
Usually if I skip the gym it’s not because I am physically incapable of going. Typically it’s because I’ve built a mental wall or found an excuse not to.
The small victories like this are not small at all.
Goals and S**t
Getting into a habit of writing down my weekly workout goals has been one of my biggest motivators. Seeing what I want to accomplish on paper has directly contributed to the accountability factor of me leading a more active life. Plus, I feel super badass at the end of the week looking at what I’ve crossed off. I like feeling the reward of self-discipline.
What has worked best for me has been to keep a very simple schedule. I found when I wrote down too many details, it could look a lot more intimidating than it actually was.
Here’s generally what my schedule looks like:
- Monday – Leg Day
- Tuesday – Trail Run (weather permitting)
- Wednesday – Upper Body/Core Day
- Thursday – Rest Day
- Friday – Cardio/Resistance Day
- Saturday – Day Hike (weather permitting)
- Sunday – Rest Day
My goal is to get into the gym or outdoors 4-5 times per week. However, I think that it’s important to listen to my body, and make adjustments to that schedule when necessary. For example, I’m currently a little under the weather and I’ve made the choice to rest and hydrate these last couple of days.
It can be discouraging and easy to fall off track when something doesn’t go as planned or expected. When I’m presented with an obstacle this quote always comes to mind:
Be flexible. It’s key. Life will always throw curve balls when it seems most inconvenient. Adjust, re-route and never stop pushing toward what you want out of life.
Fat Kid Friday
“Fat Kid Friday” is one of my favorite days! By the end of the week I look forward to celebrating with a special meal or a delicious treat!
These are my confessions.
I’m hardly ashamed of this beautiful creation.
“PB All Up in Yo Grill”- Peanut Butter
- Granola
- Olive Oil
- Slice of Bread (halved)
Start by placing a non-stick skillet on the stove-top at medium-high heat. Use a spatula to spread a tiny bit of olive oil on the skillets surface.
While the skillet heats, slice your bread in half. Spread peanut butter on both halves of the bread. Sprinkle granola on one half of the bread. Sandwich the two halves together.
Place this glorious sandwich on the heated skillet. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes on one side before using a spatula to flip it. Grab a plate while you wait an additional 2 minutes. Transfer the sandwich from the skillet to your plate with a spatula!
Remember to give yourself a break! Balance is important. Having a cheat meal or snack here and there helps me to stay on track!
Now, click here to listen to one of my favorite tracks and enjoy “Fat Kid Friday”!
So, do it. Decide.
One of the most important moments during weight loss for me was the decision to commit. It wasn’t an easy decision and was often challenged. Sometimes the challenge was the ease of sitting on the couch instead of going to the gym. Other times, it was the convenience of fast food. It was frustrating; I wanted to be thin and feel beautiful, but struggled to commit myself to a different lifestyle than I was used to.
My lifestyle habits were put into perspective when I found myself working for a funeral home. I was experiencing death on a daily basis, up close and personal. Being responsible for all of the death certificates, I regularly encountered heart and weight-related diseases as the cause of death. It shook me knowing that my own Grandmother died from a heart attack at the age of 57. Weight loss became more than skin deep for me. It became about my health and wanting to live a full life.
I committed. I made healthy, attainable goals. The gym became my therapy instead of the refrigerator. I replaced pizza with chicken breasts. Repeating positive affirmations took the place of self-doubt. Reading positive quotes fueled me when I felt down or experienced setbacks.
It became clear that like a lot of thing’s in life, it was my choice.
If You Build It, They Will Come
Are you looking to grow your booty and slay your quads? Do you have a gym membership? If so, continue reading because this leg workout excites me in ways I cannot explain.
I attached YouTube links for each exercise!
Stretch for 3-5 minutes prior to starting any workout!
Follow stretching with 3 minutes of cardio. I frequently use the stairs, treadmill or elliptical.
Circuit 1: 3 rounds of each
Circuit 2: 3 rounds of each
I use a 60 lb barbell and 20-25 lb dumbbells for the next circuit.
- 10 Dead-lifts Link (10 Lunge Jumps) Link
- 10 Dumbbell Step-ups Each Leg Link (10 Lunge Jumps)
- 10 Wide Stance Goblet Squats Link (10 Lunge Jumps)
- 10 Dumbbell Split Squats Link (10 Lunge Jumps)
Circuit 3: Treadmill (8 Minutes)
- Sprint for 1 minutes
- Walk for 30 seconds
- Sprint for 1 minutes
- Walk for 30 seconds
- Sprint for 1 minutes
- Walk for 30 seconds
- Sprint for 1 minute
- Walk for 30 seconds
- Sprint for 30 seconds
- Walk for 30 seconds
- Sprint for 30 seconds
- Walk for 30 seconds
Now stumble home and recover with one of my favorite snacks!
“My Big Fat Greek Blueberry Parfait”
Servings: 1
Calories Per Serving: 350, 400 with Honey
- 1/2 Cup Blueberries
- 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt
- 2/3 Cup Granola (I use honey almond flax seed granola)
- Honey for added sweetness (optional)
Blueberries are a great anti-inflammatory, help fight diabetes and heart disease, and are loaded with antioxidants and fiber! Click here for additional blueberry benefits!
Greek yogurt is rich in B-12. This is especially beneficial for those on plant-based diets or that have a lower intake of meat. It’s an excellent source of protein, which is necessary for muscle recovery. Follow this link to learn more about Greek yogurt!
Granola is high in fiber and protein. It is also high in carbohydrates, making this snack great before working out as well! Here is a great article about the health benefits of granola!
How the F*** Do You Rinse Quinoa?
Today is my third day of embarking on a dietary experiment. I have decided to take a shot at a legitimate vegetarian diet for a full 30 days. Over this 30 days I will track all my food expenses to see if there are any financial benefits of not purchasing meat and fish. Not only am I excited by the challenge, but curious to see if I feel a positive or negative difference in my body. That being said, how the f*** do you rinse quinoa without it literally ending up in every crevice of the kitchen? My strainer and I were not ready.
I meal prepped 3 dinners with the following recipe entitled so appropriately:
How the Fajita Quinoa Bowl
Fajita style veggies mixed with delicious red quinoa, avocado, and cheese! Very hearty and it really did a great job fueling an upper body workout. Simple, quick prep for colorful and delightful meal!
Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 20 Minutes Total Time: 35 Minutes
Servings: 3 Meals Calories Per Serving: 540 Calories
- 1 and a 1/2 Avocados
- 1 Red Onion
- 1 Large Ripe Tomato
- 1 Green Pepper
- 1 Red Pepper
- 3-5 Garlic Cloves, smashed and chopped
- 1 Cup Quinoa of your choice (I used Red Quinoa)
- 3/4’s cup Cheese of your choice (I used Colby Jack)
- 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
- Salt/Pepper and seasoning of choice (I used Garlic Chipotle)
I started this prep by rinsing the quinoa and getting that on that stove. It has to cook for 15 minutes on heat, and 5 additional minutes removed from heat. Once I had the quinoa on the stove I set a timer for 20 minutes. Before starting to cut up vegetables I prepped a large skillet with olive oil. Next I sliced up the green and red pepper, red onion, cubed the tomato, and halved out the avocados. For my cheese I usually just buy a block, you can shred or cube it ( I prefer cubes). Get your skillet turned on Medium-high heat. With about 10 minutes left on the kitchen timer I tossed the veggies in the skillet, stirring them regularly( I like them crunchy and factor in re-heating them for my prepped meals). Salt and pepper the veggies to your preference. Remember to pull the quinoa off the burner and let it sit for the remaining five minutes. Once that is complete season the quinoa to your preference. It definitely needs a little seasoning love in my eyes.
I equally portioned out everything into 3 servings, however I did have some quinoa left over. I say you could get away with 3/4’s of a cup vs doing a whole cup!
I hope you enjoy this meal as much as I did!
Here Goes Nothing!
I remember the very moment I needed to make a drastic lifestyle change. I was standing in the dressing room of a plus sized women’s clothing store. Needing to find a dress to wear to a wedding, I was simply grabbing whatever was my size, regardless of liking it. I dreaded shopping. That January I would be turning 25 and I currently stood at 5′ 2″ tall and 267 lbs heavy. That is a lot of lady in a small package. I remember picking a dress only because it fit me. I felt angry purchasing something and disliking it. That was the day that is forever burned into my mind as being the day that something in me changed.
Fast forward a few months later and I was walking into the gym that I lived closest to. I was absolutely terrified. For a fat girl, a gym is a scary place. I was afraid I would face the worst kind of looks and judgement. My how I was so wrong. I found an environment I would thrive in. I found out how absolutely necessary it was to surround yourself with motivated, and positive individuals.
Over the last several years of my life I have found out so many things about myself. I had to relearn and develop an entirely different relationship with food, and in doing so, I fell in love with the art of cooking and preparing delicious food. I found myself head over heels for nutrition and how it truly effects one’s overall health and wellness. Early this year I started down a whole new road stepping foot into college for the first time as a 30 year old. Feeling as if I have found a passion and a purpose I am working toward a bachelor of science to become a Registered Dietitian.
5 years have now passed since that day in the fitting room. I currently stand at a healthy 135 lbs. Totaling out at 132 lbs lost, I find myself ready to share a bit about my personal journey, struggles, positive vibes, delicious recipes, bad ass workouts, inspiration, love, and so much more.
Welcome to Peak Fit Fresh, a dream coming true.